Company Search MadeSimple

Why don’t Company Documents have an expiry date?

Frequent users of Company Searches MadeSimple may have noticed that whilst their Company Credit Reports have expiry dates – Company Documents don’t. So why is this?

Company Credit Reports

These have an expiry date because the information contained within them will eventually be outdated. Directors can leave. The Registered Office can change. Shares can be added. The Credit Limit can fall (And so on).

This means a Company Credit Report could eventually become misleading. Therefore we remove them from your account after one year – you do however have the option to save them to your computer.

Company Documents

These don’t have an expiry date because they are a copy of a document that has been filed. Yes, the information within them may change (through later filings) but they will always be a 100% accurate reflection of what was filed at the time.

There you have it – why Company Documents have an expiry date.

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By Mathew Aitken at MadeSimpleFind Mathew on Google+