Company Search MadeSimple

Don’t let your Company Credit Report go stale

As soon as a company credit report has been bought the information within that report freezes. Even if a report were bought on a Monday and a director resigned on the Tuesday, the report would still show the director as having a role in the company.

We do however let you know if a change has occurred to a company, allowing you to pick up an updated company report if you wish. We do this two ways:

1. Via email (only if you leave the default ‘Tracking’ option on from the company credit report):

2. Via your account:

To buy the new updated company report all you need to do is log in to Company Search MadeSimple and select ‘My UK Company Reports’. From here click on the outdated report and then select ‘Update’:

Once payment has been made the updated company credit report will be delivered straight to your account.

We hope you’ve found this post helpful. If you have any further questions simply get in touch.