Company Search MadeSimple

The Company Tracker: Active and Disabled

If you purchase a company tracker we will send you email alerts whenever a change (certain updates) occurs to the tracked company. Of course there are periods when a company may be of interest to you and there are periods when it may not.

That’s why we allow you to disable the company tracker which will put a stop to the emails. You can switch the tracker back on again whenever you wish (as long as the tracker has not expired).

To disable and enable a tracker:

•    In “My Account” select “My Company Tracker”.

•    The trackers are split into three tabs; “Active”, “Disabled” and “Expired”, when in the “Active” tab select “Disable” next to the company you wish to stop receiving alerts for. The company will then be moved into the “Disabled” tab.

•    To enable trackers click in the “Disabled” tab and then select “Enable” next to the relevant company, the company will then be moved into the “Active” tab.

For more information on our company trackers click here: Products & Pricing

Company Searches Made Simple – Online company credit reports.
Speedy, reliable and competitively priced