How to find and buy Company Documents

If a company has filed a document with Companies House, odds are that we can provide a copy of it. Finding and buying company documents is simple:

1. Look up the relevant company via the Company Search box on our homepage

2. Click View Details next to the correct company

3. Scroll down to the Company Documents area, find the document that you wish to purchase, and then select Add to Basket

4. Complete the payment process

The document is then delivered straight to your account.

It’s worth noting that documents become available a few days after they have been accepted at Companies House.

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Company documents are sent straight to your account

Your company documents

Earlier this year we started using Feefo (an independent review and feedback system) for a number of our different services – Company Searches Made Simple included. So far the response has been overwhelmingly positive with:

212 Excellent Reviews
91 Good Reviews
35 Poor Reviews
27 Bad Reviews

Feefo is great because it allows us to see any areas that may require improvement. One issue that has come up a number of times is:

I’ve just purchased a company document, how can I view it?

So whilst the team look into a permanent fix to make this clearer, here’s a quick explanation to cover this.

Once purchased, company documents are delivered to the My Documents area of the customer’s account. They are not emailed. To view a purchased document:

Log In
• Select My Documents
• Select Download next to the relevant report

You can then view the report.

As previously mentioned, the team are looking into a permanent fix to make the process clearer.

If you have any questions regarding this, feel free to comment below.

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How to switch your Company Trackers On & Off

Company trackers are great for monitoring your competitors (and protecting your own company against fraud).

Here’s how they work…

We email you whenever the tracked company files something with Companies House. This could be a director resignation, a change in registered office, a filing of annual accounts – basically anything that needs to go through Companies House.

To purchase a company tracker (£2.50):

1. Search for the relevant company from our homepage
2. Select View Details next to the correct company
3. Under Company Tracker select Add to Basket
4. Complete the payment process

If you decide that you no longer want to receive the company tracker alert emails, you can switch these off (or back on again) by:

1. Logging in
2. Selecting My Company Tracker
3. Selecting Disable next to any trackers you wish to switch off (to turn a tracker back on again, select Disabled and then select Enable):


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Our Subscription Packages Explained

Subscription packages are designed for our customers who purchase multiple company credit reports (as well as our other company search services) over a monthly or yearly period.

How does it work?

Once purchased, we’ll deliver a set number of credits to your account that must be used up within a certain period of time (monthly or yearly, depending on your chosen package).

1 credit = 1 service

Our monthly subscription packages:

Our yearly subscription packages:

If you would like more information, please see here: Our Subscription Packages

Please let us know if you have any questions.

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Check the “Accounts last filed” field before buying a Company Report

Before purchasing any of our company credit reports, it doesn’t matter which one, we’ll let you know the level of detail you can expect to find in the accounts section of the report via different notes. These appear in the Accounts last filed field of the View Details page.

These are there to help you decide whether to proceed with the purchase or not.

Below are two examples of these notes (if further explanation about the note is required, we will provide this via the What does this mean? link):

If you have any questions about this or anything else to do with company credit reports, please let us know via the comments section below.

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How can I download my documents?

When you purchase a company document we will deliver it directly to your account. We will not email it.

To download documents that you have purchased:

Login to Company Searches Made Simple
• Select My Documents
• Select Download

Once opened, you can save the document to your computer as well as being able to print it.

If you have any questions or are having problems opening a document that you have purchased, let us know below.

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So what is a winding up petition?

Good question. It is a court action that is placed against a company (if the court action is successful) by someone who is owed money (a creditor). Petitions will be issued to Companies House if it’s decided that the company will be wound up and eventually dissolved.

Now you know!

Any questions? Get in touch via the comments function.

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Director Reports: Search for variations of the Director’s name

Limited Company Directors are a peculiar breed in that they often use variations of their name when being appointed as a Director.

For example (these are not real companies or appointments!):

• in ABC Ltd I am Mathew Aitken
• in 123 Ltd I am Mathew Joseph Aitken
• in XYZ Ltd I am Matthew Aitken (I was appointed by a colleague who was unfamiliar with my parent’s strange spelling) Continue reading

Removing Company & Director Information from Search Engines

A few weeks ago we explained that we can’t remove company and director information from our site. We can however stop certain information being accessible via search engines.

If you wish to have your company or director information removed from search engines please contact us with the following information. Continue reading

How often are Company Reports updated?

A bit of a trick question this week.

Once purchased, our Company Credit Reports are static. Whilst they’re correct at the time of purchase, once in your account they do not change. If a company has made changes after you have purchased the report (you will be notified of such changes with a Company Tracker!), you simply need to purchase another report to see the changes reflected.

How long does it take for changes to be reflected?

It normally takes just a few days for something that has been filed to show up on a company report. Just to reiterate, to see any changes you need to purchase a new report.

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