Looking for Director information? We can help.

We can provide director information in a variety of different ways

We can provide UK company director information in a number of different ways:

Via our Company Credit Reports – £3.95/£5.45

Our Standard Credit and Fully Comprehensive Company Reports provide the director’s name, address, date of birth and nationality. They also include a list of any other companies that the director is a director of (as well as a list of any previous companies that the director was a director of).

Via our Director Reports – £1.95

Director Reports provide the director’s name, address, date of birth and nationality. They also include a list of any other companies that the director is a director of (as well as a list of any previous companies that the director was a director of).

Via the Annual Return Document – £2.50

If the company has filed an annual return, you can purchase a copy of the document to find the director’s name, address, date of birth and nationality.

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Mathew Aitken

is Head of Content at at Made Simple Group. This entails overseeing Made Simple Group's blogs (five in all!) and any other content we happen to be producing. In his spare time Mathew is an avid film-goer, TV-watcher and Tottenham Hotspur-endurer.

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