Company Search MadeSimple

I’ve been notified about a change in a company – but my Company Credit Report hasn’t changed

If you have a Company Tracker service set up, we’ll notify you when your tracked limited company makes a change. This could be anything from the company changing its registered office right up to new shares being added to the company (and quite a bit in between).

These changes are not reflected in any existing Company Credit Reports that you have for the tracked limited company. This is because once purchased, existing Credit Reports are static and any changes that occur to the company after the purchase point are not reflected in it (this is why we automatically delete reports after one year).

So whilst our email notification will give you an idea of what’s changed in the company, if you want to see the whole picture you will need to buy a brand new Company Credit Report.

By Mathew Aitken at MadeSimpleFind Mathew on Google+