How often are Company Reports updated?

A bit of a trick question this week.

Once purchased, our Company Credit Reports are static. Whilst they’re correct at the time of purchase, once in your account they do not change. If a company has made changes after you have purchased the report (you will be notified of such changes with a Company Tracker!), you simply need to purchase another report to see the changes reflected.

How long does it take for changes to be reflected?

It normally takes just a few days for something that has been filed to show up on a company report. Just to reiterate, to see any changes you need to purchase a new report.

Brought to you by Mathew Aitken at …

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Mathew Aitken

is Head of Content at at Made Simple Group. This entails overseeing Made Simple Group's blogs (five in all!) and any other content we happen to be producing. In his spare time Mathew is an avid film-goer, TV-watcher and Tottenham Hotspur-endurer.

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