Company Trackers and Subscription Packages

Yesterday we posted about our two different company tracker services. What we didn’t mention was that as well as being able to buy trackers individually; you can also purchase trackers as part of our subscription packages.

With our subscription packages we will provide you with a set number of credits to be used up within a set period of time. One credit equals one service, including company trackers (standard and lifetime are both available so you might as well use the lifetime!). For more information on our different subscription packages see here:

Company Credit Report Subscription Packages

 Company Searches Made Simple – Online company credit reports. Speedy, reliable and competitively priced!

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Mathew Aitken

is Head of Content at at Made Simple Group. This entails overseeing Made Simple Group's blogs (five in all!) and any other content we happen to be producing. In his spare time Mathew is an avid film-goer, TV-watcher and Tottenham Hotspur-endurer.

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