Company Search MadeSimple

Company Directors – What they do and how to find information on them

All UK limited companies have at least one person acting in the company director role. In this post, we’re going to look at what this position entails and explain how we can help you find background information on these company directors – for free.

First off, let’s clarify that company directors are not necessarily the owners of the company, it’s actually shareholders who own the company. However, directors can also be shareholders.

So if they don’t always own the company, what does a director do?

The short answer is that they run the company or oversee the running of the company. According to this official outline of director duties, if you are a company director you should:

We can help you find background information on UK company directors for free

This can prove useful when researching potential customers, suppliers, employees and partners.

We can provide the following:

It’s also possible for another company to act as a director – this is known as a corporate appointment (although as we mentioned, at least one person must be acting as the director also). We can provide the same information for corporate appointments minus the date of birth.

To look for director information visit Company Search MadeSimple, select the “UK Director” option, enter the director’s name and then select “Search”. You’ll then be presented with a list of directors who match that name. Simply click on the correct result and the information will follow.

Start your search for UK director information now.