Company Search MadeSimple

The company accounts information we can provide and how you can get it

Do you need financial information on company accounts UK? We can help. Our ‘UK Company’ credit reports include a huge amount of company account information for just £5.99. In this post we’ll look at the information we provide and where you’ll find it in the report.

The ‘UK Company’ report includes the following information (provided the company has filed accounts – don’t worry, we’ll let you know if it hasn’t):

Key Financials

Balance Sheet

Salaries and Dividends

Cash Flow

Capital Reserves



As you can see, that’s a lot of information. To get this > Visit Company Search MadeSimple > Enter the company name in the search box > Click on the correct company name > Select ‘Buy report £5.99’ > complete the payment process > The report will be delivered straight to your account > The company account information can then be found in the ‘Financials’ section of the report.

Would you like to find out more about using company credit reports to make smart business decisions? Visit Company Search MadeSimple for more information.