Category Archives: Company Report

Can I purchase Company Search services for dissolved companies?

Do we provide search services on dissolved companies? Yes we do!

We can provide company reports and company documents for UK limited companies that have been dissolved. To purchase these services:

1. Select Advanced Search + from our homepage
2. Enter the company name and any other information that you have
3. Tick the Include Dissolved box
4. Select View Details next to the relevant company and proceed to purchase the service that you want

For more information about our company search services, take a look here:

Company Searches Made Simple Products & Pricing

Any questions? Leave a comment below and we’ll be in touch.

This post was by Mathew Aitken at MadeSimpleFind Mathew on Google+

I just bought a report – where is it?

Once purchased, all reports (company and director) and documents are delivered straight to your online account. They are not delivered by email. Our only services that involve receiving email are the Company Tracker and Lifetime Company Tracker.

To view reports and documents after you have purchased them, simply login and then select the relevant box from your account:

You’ll then be presented with a list of all your purchased reports or documents (depending on what you selected) which you can then open.

Please leave a comment if you have any questions.

Brought to you by Mathew Aitken at …

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5 top tips on how to improve your company’s credit rating

Your company’s credit rating impacts upon how others see your business

Credit ratings are a representation of how financially stable your company is, what’s great though is that you have the power to control your company’s creditworthiness. Once you have understood what factors affect your credit rating, you can then work on improving it. To get started, follow these top 5 tips:

Be on time

Ensure that you pay all your bills to the agreed terms with suppliers, credit card providers, banks etc. If you are a limited company, it is very important that you file your accounts on time with Companies House. Continue reading

How do the Subscription Packages work?

Subscriptions Packages are ideal for any Company Searches Made Simple customers who purchase multiple company credit reports or director reports over a monthly / yearly period.

Here’s how it works…

We add a set number of credits to your account; these must then be used within a set period of time (monthly or yearly depending on the package).

1 credit = 1 product

This could mean:

• 1 Fully Comprehensive Company Report
• 1 Director Report
• 1 Company Document
• 1 Lifetime Company Tracker

It’s totally up you. The only thing that you can’t spend your credits on is another Subscription Package!

Pricing and Packaging:

For more information take a look at our dedicated Subscription Packages page.

Brought to you by Mathew Aitken at …


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3 Common Questions – Video Blog

In this video blog I take a look at three of the most common issues that we come across:

• I’ve bought a company report but there appears to be some account information missing.

• I’ve bought a director report but it’s not showing all the director’s companies in the directorships field.

• I’ve bought a director report but now I can’t find it.

Watch the video now for our responses.


Remember, if you do have any questions regarding our services, take a look at our FAQs or contact us.

Brought to you by Mathew Aitken at …

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What’s the Group Structure?

Viewing a company’s Group Structure is a great way to see the bigger picture

Our Fully Comprehensive company credit reports have an area dedicated to the company ‘Group Structure’ – but what is this?

The Group Structure defines ownership of different companies when they hold shares in each other. For example, if Company A held shares in Company B, Company B would appear in Company A’s Group Structure along with the date of its last set of accounts.

What’s more, to build a bigger picture, you can click on the company name from the Group Structure and proceed to purchase a report on that company.

If a company does have a Group Structure, this information can be found in the final tab of our Fully Comprehensive company credit reports.

Brought to you by Mathew Aitken at …

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What factors affect your company’s credit ratings?

What impacts upon your company’s credit rating?

Your credit rating is an important part of maintaining and managing your company’s financial health. However, is it enough to sustain this by just knowing your credit rating? Well, it is also important to understand how it is calculated and the key factors which influence the calculation process.

There is no universal credit rating system, but rather, a system specific to each individual credit rating agency. The rating is based on a company’s overall credit history and is calculated using a complex algorithm, which takes into account a huge number of variables. Continue reading

How to save a company report to your computer

Our company reports have an expiry date for a reason. Reports are correct up to the point that they’re purchased. Any changes that occur to the company after the purchase will not be reflected in the report. Therefore, to prevent you from viewing reports that contain wholly outdated information, we remove them from your account after one year.

That’s not to say that you can’t save the reports to your computer where we can’t get our grubby little mitts on them.

Here’s how to download a company report (once signed in to Company Searches Made Simple):

After this, you simply select where you want the report to be saved.

Brought to you by Mathew Aitken at …

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What they are saying about Company Searches Made Simple on Feefo (10th-17th January)

Feefo is a ‘customer review and feedback system for service and products’. After a purchase is made on any of our sites (Companies Made Simple, London Presence, Business Training Made Simple and here on Company Searches Made Simple), we ask our customers to anonymously give us a rating and review. We then have the opportunity to respond to the review. Ultimately we use these reviews to tailor our service.

At the moment all reviews are accessible directly from Feefo, and now we’re going to start publishing the most recent Company Seraches Made Simple reviews (positive and negative) here on the blog too.

First up, here’s the ratings guide:




And now the reviews:

Finally, our overall rating for the last 6 months:






We’ll publish more reviews in the coming weeks!

Brought to you by Mathew Aitken at …


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Our Subscription Packages Explained

Subscription packages are designed for our customers who purchase multiple company credit reports (as well as our other company search services) over a monthly or yearly period.

How does it work?

Once purchased, we’ll deliver a set number of credits to your account that must be used up within a certain period of time (monthly or yearly, depending on your chosen package).

1 credit = 1 service

Our monthly subscription packages:

Our yearly subscription packages:

If you would like more information, please see here: Our Subscription Packages

Please let us know if you have any questions.

Brought to you by Mathew Aitken at …

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