Individuals being credit checked is the norm. When we apply for a bank account, a mortgage – even a mobile phone contract, we have to go through a credit check. But what is a company credit check? In this blog post we’re going to answer that question and demonstrate why company credit checks are here to help you. Continue reading
Category Archives: Company Report
Company check UK businesses for better competitor insights
When you do a company check on a UK company with Company Search MadeSimple, you get a large amount of information. This is fantastic if you’re looking for detail, and let’s face it – that’s where the devil is! Continue reading
Why don’t Company Documents have an expiry date?
Frequent users of Company Searches MadeSimple may have noticed that whilst their Company Credit Reports have expiry dates – Company Documents don’t. So why is this?
Why it’s important to research your potential partnerships
If you and your business are looking to branch out and seek help from other businesses it is imperative to do your research beforehand. We at Company Search MadeSimple can help you when investigating potential partnerships.
What is ‘Group Structure’ and what does it look like in a Company Credit Report?
The Fully Comprehensive Company Credit Report – available for just £5.45 – includes an area dedicated to (amongst various other things) the company ‘Group Structure’. In this post we shall look at what the Group Structure is and show you exactly what it looks like from an open report. Continue reading
What is included in your Company Search Subscription Package?
If you are running your own business it’s important that you:
- Know your industry (competitors)
- Know who you’re doing business with (partners, potential partners and suppliers)
Our services allow you to purchase reports and documents that give you financial and personal information on other businesses. To get this information you simply pick up a Company Report, Company Document, Company Tracker (ideal for monitoring your competition) or Director Report from our site as and when you want. But what if you need to complete multiple company searches? Continue reading
Check yourself before someone wrecks… your business
We provide a number of services that help you do better business. The primary function of these services is to allow you to check up on who you’re doing business with, helping you make educated decisions on who you should and shouldn’t work with. But all of our services also have a secondary function: Continue reading
How are credit check companies like Company Search MadeSimple useful for small businesses?
Credit is sometimes a confusing term. You might think of it as something like the amount of credit you have in the bank. This is true, in a sense. But when it comes to business, credit is more about the ability to pay back any money borrowed – and indeed the reliability of previous repayments. Continue reading
How do I email company credit reports?
So you want to email your company credit report? Okay, we can help with that. To email your company credits reports simply: Continue reading
Video: Why do Company Credit Reports expire?
Company credit reports purchased with us are removed from your account 12 months after the purchase date. But why?
Watch the video to find out.
By Mathew Aitken at MadeSimple – Find Mathew on Google+