Buying Company Documents: Document Abbreviation

purchasing company documentsWhen purchasing a company document with us you may notice that we often use the form abbreviations rather than the full titles. So, for your viewing pleasure, here’s a list of the most common abbreviations and what they mean:

AA: Annual Accounts
AR01: Annual Return
AA01: Change of Accounting Reference Date
AP01: Director Appointment
AP02: Corporate Director Appointment
AP03: Secretary Appointment
AP04: Corporate Secretary Appointment
CH01: Director Details Change
CH02: Corporate Director Details Change
CH03: Secretary Details Change
CH04: Corporate Secretary Details Change
SH01: Return of allotment of shares

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Mathew Aitken

is Head of Content at at Made Simple Group. This entails overseeing Made Simple Group's blogs (five in all!) and any other content we happen to be producing. In his spare time Mathew is an avid film-goer, TV-watcher and Tottenham Hotspur-endurer.