What about the Secretary?

secretary informationDirectors and Shareholders seem to get all the attention when it comes to our Company Reports (Directors even get their own report and search box!). So what about the Secretary? Whilst a dedicated Secretary report is not on the horizon, what we can do is tell you what information we provide for the Secretary and where it can be found.

The Secretary information that we provide is limited to the name and Service address of each Secretary within a company. This information can be found in both our Standard Credit and Fully Comprehensive company reports. So there you go!

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Mathew Aitken

is Head of Content at at Made Simple Group. This entails overseeing Made Simple Group's blogs (five in all!) and any other content we happen to be producing. In his spare time Mathew is an avid film-goer, TV-watcher and Tottenham Hotspur-endurer.