Company Search MadeSimple

The 4 steps to completing a company credit check

A company credit check is the process of checking up on a company with the intention of gaining an insight into its credit rating and other information as well. At Company Search MadeSimple, completing a company credit check is – as you would expect, simple. In this post we’ll show you how to complete one is just four steps.

Let’s go…

1.Visit Company Search Made Simple:

2. Leaving ‘UK Company (£4.99)’ selected, enter the name of the company that you wish to complete a company credit check on and select ‘Search’:

3. You’ll be presented with a list of companies that match your search, click on the correct company:

4. You will be taken to a free version of the company credit report, which includes a summary of basic company info, some financial info, people info, a list of documents filed, group structure info and the company timeline. If you want to to see the full financial info and credit info, simply select ‘Buy report £4.99’ and complete the payment process:

That’s it! Ready to complete a company credit check? Start now.